Verilog Code Test Bench Output Coming Soon
4 bit UpDown Counter Verilog Code
4 bit UpDown Counter Verilog Code module BCDupdown(Clk, reset, UpOrDown, Count ); // module Declaration // input and output declarations input Clk,reset,UpOrDown; output [3 : 0] Count; reg [3…
SR FlipFlop Using Case Statement Verilog Code
Verilog Code Test Bench
Verilog Code JK Flip Flop using Case Statement
Verilog Code :JK Flip Flop using Case Statement Verilog Code module JKFlipFlop( input J, input K, input clk, output Q, output Qbar );reg Q,Qbar; always@(posedge clk)begin case({J,K}) 2’b0_0:Q<=Q; 2’b0_1:Q<=1’b0; 2’b1_0:Q<=1’b1; 2’b1_1:Q<=Qbar;endcaseendendmodule Test Bench module JK_FlipFlop_TB; // Inputs reg J; reg K; // Outputs wire Q; wire Qbar;…
Verilog Code: Decoder (3:8) using if-else
Verilog Code: Decoder (3:8) using if-else Verilog Code module Decoderusingifelse(data,out);input [2:0]data;output [7:0]out;reg [7:0]out;always@(data)begin if(data==7) out=1; else if(data==6) out=2; else if(data==5) out=4; else if(data==4) out=8; else if(data==3) out=16; else if(data==2) out=32; else if(data==1) out=64; else if(data==0) out=128; else out=0;endendmodule Test Bench module DecoderTB;…
Stack: Data Structure algorithm
stack Stack is a data structure which has ordered list of similar data type. Stack is a Last In First Out (LIFO) structure. In simple words, stack is a like a bag; whatever you put at last comes out first. Now, lets understand the algorithm for stack. start Display push…
8051 ALP to subtract two 16 bit numbers| 8051 assembly code
8051 ALP to move a block of data from internal memory to external memory Below Code is Complied and Verified in Keil uVision 3. The .asm file is given below after the code. For clarifications and suggestion comment in the comment section ; 8051 ASSEMBLY CODE — CODESARENA BLOG; ALP…
8051 ALP to move block of data from internal to external memory location | 8051 Program
8051 ALP to move a block of data from internal memory to external memory Below Code is Complied and Verified in Keil uVision 3. The .asm file is given below after the code. For clarifications and suggestion comment in the comment section ; 8051 Assembly Code to Move a block;…
Election Voting System using 8051 microcontroller -C Code | CodesExplorer
Election Voting System using 8051(AT89C51) MicroController with Embedded C. This code is verified in Trainer Kit System Designed by ALS(Advanced Electronics Systems).The Election Voting System is interfaced using keypad and LCD with 8051 Microcontroller. ; 8051 ASSEMBLY CODE — CODESEXPLORER BLOG; ELECTION VOTING SYSTEM; PROGRAMMER NAME: ABHAY KAGALKAR#include<at89c51xd2.h&rt;sbit RS=P1^7;sbit EN=P1^6;void…
8051 Code to find factorial of N (AT89C51) | Assembly Code 8051
8051 Assembly Code or 8051 ALP to find the facorial of N.Finding factorial is nothing repetitive multiplication with decrement until 1 is encountered. Here in this Code the number whose factorial is to obtained is stored in the Register R0 and a 11 bit function call(ACALL) is used and the…