This program finds the GCD of given two numbers and stores it in the register.
1) Store the num1 in R1 register and num2 in R2 register.
2) Compare whether num1>num2 and directly store result if num1=num2.
3) If num1>num2 assign numerator register to num1 and denominator register to num2 otherwise assign numerator register to num2 and denominator register to num1 otherwise.
4) Store the remainder in remainder register.
5) Repeat step 3 until the remainder is zero.
6) Store the value of gcd to the denominator.
org 0000h
ljmp main
org 40h
main: mov R1,#09 ; The first number to find gcd
mov R2,#06 ; The second number to find gcd
mov a,R1
mov b,R2
cjne a,b,next ; compares and jumps to assign proper registers
ljmp stop ; if two numbers are equal it assigns the same number to the result register
next: jnc loop ; if num1>num2 it jumps to loop
mov a,R2 ; if num1<num2 it assigns the registers in reverse way
mov b,R1
loop: mov R3,b ; temperorily storing the second register in r4
div ab
mov a,R3
mov R7,b ; storing the remainder in r7
cjne R7,#00h,loop; the loop repeats till the remainder is zero
stop : mov R4,a ; Stores the result in r4