- C++

C++ program to demonstrate simple inheritance

This program will demonstrate the simple inheritance in C++. Inheritance is the capability of a class to derive properties and characteristics from another class. Inheritance is an important concept in OOPS. More about inheritance its modes and types can be found here https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/inheritance-in-c/ .

In the below code we will create a base class A and we derive class A in another class B. In main function we will create object of class B and access the functions of the base class A.


/*C++ program to demonstrate simple inheritance.*/

using namespace std;

/*Base Class*/
class A
        // function definition
        void functionA(void)
           cout << "Hello I am functionA of Class A" << endl;

/*Derived Class*/
class B:public A
        // function definition
        void functionB(void)
           cout << "Hello I am functionB of Class B" << endl;
int main()
    //create object of Berived class B
    B objectB;
    // Now, we can access the function of class A (Base class)
    return 0;


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